Name 1
CPR Number* ? *By providing your CPR number, you give Kollegiekontoret permission to deposit money into your NemKonto after settling your deposit or initial payment, as well as to search for your new address with the Civil Registration System if you owe us money. Your deposit/initial payment will be settled approximately 2-3 weeks after the termination of the tenancy. If you choose not to provide your CPR number, please contact us to find another solution. You can always withdraw your consent for processing your CPR number.
I do not wish to provide my CPR Number
Please provide your IBAN and SWIFT/BIC code
Accountholders full name, if not provided name of tenant will be used
Phone Number ? You are obligated to show your residence to those who are offered it according to the law on the rental of public housing §93, section 1. Please note which phone number they should contact.
Name 2
Residence to be terminated
Select date: The first possible termination date is shown
I would like you to try to re-rent my apartment before
Select desired re-rental date ? Early re-rental can be attempted with at least 4 weeks' notice for the 1st or the 15th of a month (at Chr. X’s Kollegium it is only for the 1st of a month). If we do not succeed in re-renting earlier, you will have to pay rent until the proper termination date, even if you have moved out.
Your new address
Signature 1
Signature 2